Monday, July 13, 2009


1) The WLA VAMC entered into a 20-year agreement with Brentwood School, one of the wealthiest private schools in the nation, for 21 acres of Veterans land to build an athletic field that is off limits to Veterans. The sharing agreement expires in 2020

2) The WLA VAMC entered into an agreement with Breitburn Energy. The land use agreement is for drilling oil on Veterans land and the Department of Interior controls the mineral rights agreement.

3) The WLA VAMC entered into a 20-year enhanced sharing agreement with Richmark Entertainment Group, Hollywood / New York entertainment business, for the Wadsworth and Brentwood Theaters, the only two theaters at the National Veterans Home. They are no longer available for Veterans use but have become readily available for a “cultural community center” for the wealthy neighboring residents. The agreement expires in December 2025.

4) The WLA VAMC entered into a 10-year enhanced sharing agreement with Sodexho Marriott on Building 224 for laundry services for their hotels. The agreement expires in March 2010.

5) The WLA VAMC entered into a no-bid, rent-free enhanced sharing agreement with Veterans Park Conservancy, which is not a Veterans organization but a wealthy neighboring homeowners group, for a 16-acre billion-dollar parcel of Veterans land to build a public community park. The agreement was signed on August 24, 2007 and is a 20-year contract with a 10-year option.

6) The WLA VAMC entered into a 10-year enhanced sharing agreement with UCLA for a baseball diamond and the agreement expires in 2011.

7) The WLA VAMC has entered into a 20-year enhanced sharing agreement with the Salvation Army for Building 212. The agreement expires December 2025.

8) The WLA VAMC has entered into a 10-year enhanced sharing agreement with the Salvation Army for building 207. The Agreement expires April 2015.

9) The WLA VAMC entered into a 50-year federal lease agreement with New Directions for Building 116. The agreement expires August 2045.

10) The WLA VAMC entered into a 5-year memorandum of agreement with a five-year option with New Directions for Building 257. The memorandum of agreement expires February 2012.

11) The WLA VAMC is negotiating a 75-year lease on building 209 with a New York-based nonprofit developer (an oxymoron if ever there was one). Mr. Tillman chose Common Ground of NY and McCormack Baron Salazar, a national developer of mixed-income urban neighborhoods to operate a homeless housing service, with no guarantees that a resident has to be a Veteran.

12) The WLA VAMC entered into a 20-year enhanced sharing agreement with Westside Services for parking lots on Veterans land that includes the Brentwood Village lot. The agreement expires in 2020.

13) The WLA VAMC entered into a special agreement for Community Soccer Leagues to use MacArthur Field on Veterans land.

14) The WLA VAMC has operated a Veterans nine-hole golf course that allows the public to play and more than $200,000 has been stolen / embezzled from employees working at the course. Now Mr. Tillman is negotiating an enhanced sharing agreement with a “non-profit” organization and the leader claims to be a family member of the original donor of this land in 1888, even though Arcadia de Baker died in 1912, had no children, and left no will.

$1 Million for a Fence
The WLA VAMC also gave VPC $1 million to help build a wrought iron fence to beautify the entryway into their community of Brentwood, while Veterans healthcare services and facilities continue to go under-funded.

“Beauty, Honor, Country”
The WLA VAMC also gave VPC permission to engrave in stone on Veterans property, "Beauty, Honor, County," thereby seriously insulting and denigrating the Military creed of "Duty, Honor, Country," because it was VPC's mission to “beautify” the entryway into their community.

$200,000 Embezzlement of Veterans' Money
The Los Angeles Times recently reported that more than $200,000 has been stolen / embezzled from the Veterans golf course. Nonetheless, while this major theft was taking place over recent years, Ralph Tillman, the asset manager of the Wes Los Angeles VA Medical Center (WLA VAMC), wasn't trying to stop the stealing. Instead, he's been talking with a “non-profit” group about leasing the Veterans golf course for public use, but it would be “free to all Veterans at selected tee times.”


  1. Greed and theft are ramped in this country... and it starts at the top and just trickles down. Other than taxes and feces, this is about all that trickles down from their direction. How many millions - billions have been made off this property and in who's hands has it landed? Not the Vets, that's for sure! I pray that the weak shall inherit the earth and all those monsters who are raping everything good in this world suffer at the hands of their enemy WITHOUT any prospect of protection from any military. A justifiable end to their sad existence.

  2. "In my many years I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a Congress".....John Adams
